Sunday, September 18, 2011

Facebook or Face in the Dirt.

There are patterns to nature that can be overlooked easily, especially these days where we are dealing with the greatest surge of weapons of mass distraction, between Facebook, Google, Youtube and any other time taker cyber site. We lose time.

Weigh this up, we get the latest Notification and Updated status, but lose the ability to read the dirt under our feet, or the oceans music, in her wave breaking beats.
Is it worth it?

I love nature in all its glory, I was caught in one of Australia's only earth quakes when I was a grommet at the age of 1. As societies bricks, roads and 'concreatures' of development would crack and fall and the ground underneath me would shake and crumble, right then my understanding of what it is to be part of Nature was being built. I realized that we are not separate. Rather we are a part of her.

I feel sometimes when I am catching a wave, that I am actualy learning something and that maybe in the future in universities they will have students graduating with a honors in wave linguistics and that there is an established language and communication between Mother Bhumi and Her Tenants, us, Humans.

Music and the nature of nature are one and the same, they flow effortlessly from that source of creativty and diversity, into this realm, where they get interpreted, understood, categorised and judged. while I am always trying to breach the realms of creativity, music and self, the establishment is working at trying to fit me into a square and number me, if you don't believe this think about it, your born with a number that gets recorded, its your 'Birth certificate, and if you want to walk this fertile earth and understand her, then you need a number to travel with, your 'Passport number', The other night I was skating, flying expressing through pure speed and flow, when the cops, pulled our tribe over and threatened to ticket us. The only establishment that I will conform to, is the establishment of Love and Service.

'Thanks for the numbers people, but I will keep the dirt under my fingers, the calusses on my feet and try to dance to my souls out of tune beat.'

Breaking free, Surfing, Music, Dance and Meditation is nature's way of manifesting in you and directing you back to your original self, where diversity and Beauty flux within creating that euphoric feeling of home.

Hare Krsna.

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